Wedding Mood Boards

Vision boards for a stress free build-up to your big day.
30 Jan 24
The humble pinboard can be an invaluable and effective tool when planning a wedding. It provides a visual reference point for how you want your wedding to look and feel, and helps to realise your ideas.

But there’s more to it than pinning things up and hoping it will all work out!

Here is an exploration of why and how to use a vision board when planning your wedding, so that you can get the most out of it – and get the big day you really want.

Inspiration: First and foremost, a vision board is a place to bring pictures of things you like together in one place. Start with everything that appeals. Source these from magazines, postcards, photos – it could be an album cover or a wallpaper sample with colour combinations that you love. Sometimes you’ll need to cut off any background, so that you don’t muddle the board with colours that aren’t part of your idea. As more and more images are added to your board you will see a trend emerging. As the board fills, curate the display by grouping, filtering out and whittling down, until you are looking at a selected display of details that work together.

Prioritisation: Amidst the mass of ideas, advice and expectations associated with a wedding day, it’s too easy to lose focus of your priorities. Use the vision board to keep this front and centre. Perhaps you love the idea of a small and intimate gathering, or a relaxed garden party vibe, or an all out ball! Whatever you want the mood to be, write it down or print it out and keep that at the very heart of your planning.

Communication & Tasks: Organising a wedding has a hefty timeline that can easily slip off track, causing avoidable stress. A vision board is a powerful way to share the plan with others. Whether it’s tone, theme, or to do lists, your vision board is an important tool to keep everyone on the same page.Using a section of your vision board to keep a calendar of deadlines by which things need to have been booked, bought, ordered or paid for means you aren’t frantically flicking through a diary searching for each date.

Motivation:. The images you choose for your vision board can serve as a source of inspiration and motivation over the engagement period. In the UK, couples spend 12-24 months planning their wedding. That’s a long time to stay motivated. Having your vision board available to glance at every now and then will be an inspiring reminder of the special day on the horizon.

Adaptation: One of the vision board's most powerful uses is as a tool for adaptation. In the emotionally heightened world of wedding planning, small details have a disproportionate impact. For example, if the exact flowers you envisaged aren’t in season for your wedding date, you can absorb this information, put alternative flowers on your vision board, accommodate these within your other ideas, filter down, and move forward!

Emotional Connection: Assembling a vision board for your wedding is a creative process that allows you to connect with the sentimental aspects of your wedding. In this way it can reinforce the significance of the event, which can so easily be forgotten amidst the very many practical concerns and demands. Finally, after your wedding day the vision board can be a cherished keepsake, reminding you of that special time of your engagement.

Click here to read this and more of my articles on organising tips and tricks.


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